Category Archives: climate change


“Out of Balance: ExxonMobil’s Impact on Climate Change”, can now be purchased directly through Joe Public Films in an electronic download of the award-winning documentary!

Out of Balance is just as relevant now as it was when it was first released– perhaps more so. Bill McKibben, Ross Gelbspan, IPCC director RK Pachauri, and a host of REAL CLIMATE SCIENTISTS including Michael Oppenheimer, Bob Watson, Cameron Wake, Paul Mayewski, and many others warn of the effects of unabated fossil fuel emissions, and point out ExxonMobil’s leading role in funding climate change skeptics and shills for the fossil fuel industry.

Out of Balance has won numerous awards, including Best Documentary-Environmental at the 2007 Artivist Film Festival. The documentary aired several times on LinkTV, including a special program featuring Van Jones. Out of Balance also aired on Telesur Internacional, seen throughout the Spanish speaking world.

If you’ve already seen Out of Balance, watch it again– you’ll be amazed, and no doubt upset that this film is still so on point seven years after its release. Too little has changed when it comes to addressing the issue of climate change, and when it comes to the influence of the world’s most dangerous company.

Click the link below to access the download page: