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December 16, 2005


The following is a letter to the editor that may have been published by now in the Manchester Union Leader. It is a response to a very hostile letter written about Anne Miller from Peace Action NH. We believe the hostile letter ran on December 8. Basically, McNulty calls Anne all kinds of names, and says that she's anti-American because she spoke out against the continued occupation of Iraq, and led a vigil when the US troop death toll reached 2000.

*The Union Leader has a 200 word limit on letters to the editor.

To the editor,

Sgt. Nick McNulty’s recent letter about New Hampshire Peace Action director Anne Miller has several inaccuracies. Myriad polls from across the political spectrum show that the majority of Americans don’t support the occupation of Iraq. Furthermore, a majority don’t support George W. Bush. His popularity is in the 30% range, the lowest since Nixon resigned.

Like Bush administration officials, McNulty insists on discussing the occupation within the context of the“war on terrorism”, even though there was no connection between Iraq and 9/11. Blurring the lines between eradicating terrorism and what we have done in Iraq only serves to keep US troops in unnecessary danger.

Anne Miller joined with thousands of people across the country in observing the 2000th US troop death in Iraq. The observance was done out of deep concern for the suffering in Iraq.

McNulty’s energy would be better spent deriding the politicians who have hijacked our country. When their cynical, criminal policies are challenged, they hide behind our soldiers, saying, “support our troops”, thereby using them as human shields in an attempt to squelch dissent. How anti-American is that?! Meanwhile the death toll grows in Iraq, as Halliburton, Bechtel, and oil companies collect enormous profits, courtesy of an administration with over forty former oil executives in its highest positions. In my opinion, they are the ones he should be mad at.

Posted by Joe Public at December 16, 2005 03:16 AM


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