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August 30, 2003


My hosts here in Nicaragua have been Mike Boudreau and Ana Narvaez of Compas de Nicaragua. They have been excellent hosts, and Mike has worked tirelessly, translating and carting me around the country on the schedule set up by the Consumer Network, which is the largest activist group in the country.

Today we talked to two law students who have been at a conference on water issues in El Salvador for the past week. Countries from North, Central and South America participated. Based on what they were telling me, it sounds as though there's many common problems related to water, and not just accessibility and quality issues.

There's hording by those who have the economic and/or financial power to do so. There's interplay with other privatized utilities such as electricity--- so if your water pump is electric, and you can't afford to pay your bill, you may suddenly find yourself without electricity and water. The fact that a country may have a provision in their law that says individuals can't be denied water (Nicaragua has sucha provision) may not be as air tight as you'd hope. There are loopholes, and the young law students are already learning to watch out for carefully crafted language, illusory promises, and other such lawyerly manipulations of words.

The students expressed their concern over the concept of "letting the market decide". After all, "the market" is really just a relatively small group of individuals with interests of their own. The students inspired me with the sharpness of their minds, and their full belief in their ability to change things.

As we drove from the Network's office back to Mike & Ana's place in the barrio of La Primavera, I thought of the kind words the students gave me as we said goodbye. They were looking forward to seeing the documentary, and using it in the work of the Network. They seemed inspired, and I thought, who's inspiring who? I want to have as much belief as they do that my work can facilitate change. Maybe it's their age, maybe it's where they come from. Whatever the case, their enthusiasm is contageous.

If you have the chance to come to Nicaragua, I encourage it. Look up the Consumer Network. Look up Mike & Ana at Compas de Nicaragua. I intend to come back for a more relaxed visit sometime-- take in a baseball game, go to the islands on Lake Nicaragua, and revisit many places and people that have made this a great couple of weeks.

Posted by Joe Public at August 30, 2003 03:48 PM


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